Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Longitudinal Strategic Development Study Virgin Essay

Longitudinal Strategic Development Study Virgin - Essay Example In order to understand the strategic development history of Virgin, it would be necessary to refer to the context of strategy, as a key criterion for the success of business operations. In accordance with Waters (2006) the term corporate strategy ‘contains all the strategic decisions that affect the whole diversified corporation’ . In the above context, corporate strategy refers to a series of organizational problems, such as the following ones: a) which part/ sector of the organization is of more importance for the organization’s growth, b) at what level integration should become one of the organization’s activities, c) how the growth of the organization can be secured – especially in the long term, d) in which way the organization’s mission could be achieved, e) how the strategies of the organization’s different sectors can be combined so that organizational culture is secured, and so on. In other words, the corporate strategic history shows the methods used by the organization for promoting its culture and achieving its goals; these methods can be differentiated across organizations – in accordance with the conditions in the internal and external environment but also the aims and the values of each organization. It is clear that the strategic development history of successful corporations, like Virgin, can be identified in the practices these firms used not just for entering the global market but also for securing a long term growth – as proved through the organization’s current performance, analyzed in the section that follows. The strategy of Virgin has been considered as unique – mostly in terms of its structure and operational processes. As already explained above, the group includes a

Monday, October 28, 2019

Fatherhood Essay Example for Free

Fatherhood Essay Homer Simpson from The Simpsons, Peter Griffin from Family Guy, and Jerry from Wizards of Waverly Place, are just a few of the many youth television shows that present a dangerously distorted male figure. Or The Sweet Life of Zack and Cody, who run rampant throughout the hotel that they live in with their mother who was left to raise her children due to a dead beat father who left the family when the kids were young. Whether there is a Dad or there is not a Dad; they are presented as weak, childish, and brainless. These men are, at best, the whipping post for the strong-willed mothers who apparently have the real power and are the ones that essentially keep the home and the children from falling apart. It is clear that the role of Fatherhood has been distorted and watered down in the current century. Because of this, many modern day fathers fail to accomplish their duties towards their family, duties defined in Scripture, not because they do not want to but because they do not understand how crucial they are to their family, because society tells them that they are not really needed, and simply that they do not even know where to start. The task of being a father is of critical importance, and it has never been more so than in this day and age. A child’s relationship with Dad is a decisive factor in that young man or woman’s health, development and happiness. Stephen K. Baskerville, an American scholar of political science as well as a leading authority on divorce, child custody and the family court system, wrote, â€Å"A generation of fatherhood advocates has emerged who insist that fatherlessness is the most critical social issue of our time. In Fatherless America, David Blankenhorn calls the crisis of fatherless children â€Å"the most destructive trend of our generation† (1995, 1). Their case is powerful. Virtually every major social pathology issue has been linked to fatherless children: violent crime, drug and alcohol abuse, truancy, unwed pregnancy, suicide, and psychological disorders—all correlating more strongly with fatherlessness than with any other single factor, surpassing even race and poverty. The majority of prisoners, juvenile detention inmates, high school dropouts, pregnant teenagers, adolescent murderers, and rapists come from fatherless homes (Daniels 1998, passim). Children from affluent but broken families are much more likely to get into trouble than children from poor but intact ones, and white children from separated families are at higher risk than black children in intact families (McLanahan 1998, 88). The connection between single-parent households and crime is so strong that controlling for this factor erases the relationship between race and crime as well as between low income and crime (Kamarck and Galston 1990, 14)† (Baskerville, independent. org). These statistics bring forth something vastly different than what is seen in pop culture’s most-watched TV shows. Despite these staggering statistics, no attempt is being made to change this very prominent issue that American society faces every day. Instead of the government focusing on getting rid of poverty through public school systems, go to the true source of the issue which would involve eliminating one-parent families and teaching every young man the importance of fatherhood and should be preparing them to step up when that day comes. History also plays a key role in the downfall of Male leaders in the home. The Industrial Revolution came upon the world with great force. Women began entering the workforce and started becoming more and more independent. Feminists rose from this age and helped fuel the beginnings of what we see today: that being, more and more single family homes, often being run by the mother and not the father. Women think they can do it on their own but this is not always the case. There are some women out there who have been able to raise successful children but this is not the case for many other single family homes. The bible is very vocal when it comes to fatherhood. The concept of fatherhood begins with the one who created the universe. Derek Prince, an international Bible teacher, says that â€Å"The fact behind all other facts is that God created the universe as father. He left his imprint on every aspect of creation† (Prince, 57). God is indeed, the perfect father whom every earthly father should model themselves after and give their all to be the best father they can be. Proverbs 22:6-11 reads, â€Å"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it† (English Standard Version). The father is the initial instructor of his children and therefore sets the path for how they are going to live their lives. Ephesians 6:4 is a summary of instruction to parents, represented by the father, in a negative and positive way which states, â€Å"and now a word to you fathers, don’t make your children angry by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction approved by the Lord† (English Standard Version). This is where the issue of discipline comes into play. The father should not discipline with the intention of frustrating their child or making their child feel less of themselves. Wanda L. Ball, an author, speaker, and teacher, writes, â€Å"A wise parent wants to make obedience desirable through love and gentleness. Christian discipline is needed to prevent children from growing up without reverence for God, respect for their parent’s authority, knowledge of Christian standards and self-control. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, ‘All scripture is given of God and is profitable for teaching, reproving, correcting and instruction in righteousness; that the man (or woman) of God may be completely equipped for all good works. ’ This is what the Bible says about being a father† (Ball-publications. com). With this being said, a solid framework for how a father should be is established. The tricky part is how to carry this all out. God is indeed the model father. As Josh McDowell writes in his book, The Father Connection, â€Å"He is a tender Father who invites us to address Him as ‘Abba’†¦He is a listening Father who bids us to approach him boldly as ‘our father in heaven’ He is a loving Father who freely and forcefully demonstrated his Father-love at the baptism of his Son, Jesus with a voice like thunder that said, ‘This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. ’ He is a giving Father who gives good gifts to his children. He is the Father of all, the very definition of father-hood, the fount of everything that is good, moral, and worthy of imitation† (McDowell, 18). If this is not how a father would want to be then something is very wrong. Every man should be humble enough to model themselves to be like their Heavenly father who gave them the opportunity to even be a father. God is a wondrous God who is more to us than just a Creator. What follows will lay out all that a father should be towards his son, his daughter, as well as his wife. These will all be discussed separately and then related back to each-other in the end. For his son, a father must create an early bond with him, must be able to discipline his son, and lastly, must be a consistent example for his son in every aspect of life. For his daughter, a father must recognize that he is the first man in her life, must constantly encourage her, must exercise leadership and display perseverance, and needs to be there for his daughter by comforting her, being compassionate, and by supporting her. Lastly for a father, is his relationship with his wife, who is the source of his father-hood. How a husband treats his wife is crucial in raising children. A husband must be able to take input from his wife and be able to make decisions from that input, must love and cherish his wife at all time, and must also be able to give praise to his wife. A father’s children watch him constantly and one of the main ways children learn from their father is by observing how he treats their mother. The modern day man fails to accomplish his duties towards his son: to teach and guide him towards manhood. Fatherhood is not something to fool around with and take lightly. A father has the responsibility of properly raising members of the future generations. The job of a father is not just doing well in business but rather raising their son. A father’s main goal in raising his son should be to train the young boy throughout his early life how to be a man and to teach him what it means to be a man. Fatherhood is complex and requires hard work and commitment, as well as love. To start, manhood needs to be defined. Rick Johnson, a best-selling Christian author and speaker focusing on parenting, marriage, fathering, personal growth, character development, and masculinity, says that â€Å"authentic manhood is living for a cause bigger than yourself† (Johnson, 18-19). This means that one should not simply live for themselves but live for the benefit of others. A man needs to be a servant to others which includes, first and foremost, his wife and children; to be the protector and leader. When it comes to the son, he needs to be able to look at his father in a similar way to the way he looks at superheroes like superman and spider-man. In other words, his father needs to be able to look at his father and say, â€Å"I want to be like my dad when I grow up. † For a father, this type of respect must be earned. Relationships are hard work and take effort and care. As it says in Proverbs, â€Å"train a child in the way he should go, and when he is older he will not turn from it† (English Standard Version, Proverbs 22:6). A father needs to focus on his character because that is the best way to gain a young boys respect. A father could be courageous, compassionate, loving, strong, understanding, and so on. A son will notice this and seek to emulate it. To start out, a father must begin to bond with his son in his sons early years. This is much harder to do now than it did in the past. Before the Industrial Revolution, the father and son were with each other almost every moment of every day. The father would work the land at home and would train his son at an early age to do the same. Fathers did not have to take time out of there day to have â€Å"bonding time† with their son. It just happened because that’s how the times were (Johnson). Unfortunately, after the Industrial revolution, the men started to work outside of the home for hours and hours on end and were not home nearly as much. In current culture it becomes more and more difficult for fathers to bond with their sons in the early stages of life. Cheryl Erwin, a licensed marriage and family therapist who provides parent coaching, parent education, and professional training to help you develop both wisdom and skill wrote, â€Å"A fathers role in the raising of his children has changed dramatically over the past century or two. In generations past, sons expected to follow in their fathers footsteps, apprenticing in their work and in their approach to life. During the nineteenth century, however, fathers began to go out to work, and the measure of a mans success slowly changed. Rather than the closeness of his family and the strength of his family business, a mans worth could be measured in his income, the value of his house, and the size of his car. Parenting became womens work; fathers were just too busy earning a living. And generations of boys grew up hungering for closeness with a father they barely knew, someone who came home only to eat dinner, look over omework, hear about the days misbehavior, and watch a little television† (Erwin, life. familyeducation. com) Sons yearn for their fathers. In Proverbs it says, â€Å"The glory of sons is their fathers† (English Standard Version, Proverbs 17:6). Just as God’s people seek to worship him, a son seeks to worship his father. It’s clear that young boys seek to be like their father. They try to walk the same way, talk the same way, dress the same way. It is a part of our genetic makeup. Rick Johnson writes, â€Å"Our sons’ eyes are watching us constantly. They observe how we react to the many justices and injustices of the world† (Johnson, 20). They need to see a man’s ability to recover from mistakes and stay strong in tough times. A boy relies on his father to be there through all of what life brings forth. Next, a father needs to be able to discipline his son. Many men misunderstand the concept of discipline. They think that discipline should be used to instill fear in their children for what he might do to punish them for their wrongful actions. This however, is exactly the opposite of what disciplining is. Discipline is to be done in love and not anger. One does not discipline because he is angry that his child has overstepped his bounds. Instead, he should be committed to teaching the child what to do and what not to do; to know what is right and what is wrong. Dr. Lawrence Balter, a child psychologist and parenting expert wrote that â€Å"discipline is not just punishing, forcing compliance or stamping out bad behavior. Rather, discipline has to do with teaching proper deportment, caring about others, controlling oneself and putting someone else’ wishes before one’s own when the occasion calls for it. When disciplining, the focus needs to be on teaching and not on punishing. Over time, as a father bonds with his son and develops a deeper relationship with him, the son should not have to fear the wrath that is about to come but should instead fear disappointing him due to the deep respect the son has for the father. Lastly, possibly the most difficult of all, is the father being a constant example to his son. In order for the son to accept things that he is corrected about, he must see that the Father does those things that he is constantly instilling in his son. The most important of which is being respectful to everyone. In order for one’s son to respect him, they must see that the father respects everyone in all situations including his son. In order to get respect you must first give it . Respect is earned. In relation to having respect for others, the father must display self-respect. A boy must see confidence in his father. The father must know that no matter what people think of him his son will always think highly of him. This goes a long with the fact that boys yearn for their fathers love. Included in being an example is having respect for women. Chivalry, something that has been around for hundreds of years is becoming less and less implemented in young men by their fathers. One of the simplest ways a father can do this is by opening doors for women. This shows a young boy that we are willing servants of women in that we do the â€Å"dirty work. † A woman is delicate and should be treated as such. Chivalry is only the half of it. A father needs to be an example for his son by how he treats his wife. The bible calls men to be considerate of their wives and to treat them with respect. If a son sees his father disrespecting his wife he will more than likely treat women in a similar fashion and vice versa. In the end, the father plays the most crucial role in the development of a young man. It is easy for a man to become distracted with all of the things life throws at him and forget about how important he is to his son. A man needs to set his priorities straight from the moment he gets married and has children. In all things, God is first, family is second, and work is third. A man needs to, above all else, instill biblical principles in the family life. He needs to be the anchor of the family in Christ. He is the natural leader and needs to act as such. His job is to raise a son with the same values. Moving on to daughters, Meg Meeker, a Pediatrician, wrote, â€Å"Fathers, more than anyone else, set the course for a daughter’s life† (Meeker 1). Whether a father wants to believe it, he is the most important person in a young girl’s life, not the mother. The problem today is that fathers assume they do not have much of an influence on their daughters. A father automatically thinks that the mother has the bigger responsibility over the daughter because she can better relate to a girl’s problems. In media, it is very common for the father to cause their daughter to cry over an unimportant issue and then would send the mother after her to comfort her. Unfortunately, this is how it is in many homes. Fathers are becoming more and more distant from their daughters and are unaware of how detrimental this can be as they become more and more uninvolved in their daughter’s life. The modern day father fails to accomplish his duties towards his daughter and to realize how important he is to his daughter, not because he does not want to but because he does not know what to do or even where to start. A father needs to recognize that he is the first man in his daughter’s life, needs to be encouraging of his daughter, must display leadership and perseverance, and must be able to be compassionate and understanding towards his daughter’s emotions and problems.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Mardi Gras :: essays research papers

The smell of stale beer in the air, loud music everywhere, people shouting and laughing having a good ‘ole time is what carnival, better known as Mashumani is like in Guyana. When it’s Mardi Gras in New Orleans, however, broken beads and trash are all over the ground, and everywhere one looks he/she sees someone taking off some type of clothing for some beads. Unlike in New Orleans people in Guyana know how to have fun with out taking off their clothes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I am a native of Guyana, South America, and this is my first time observing Mardi Gras in person. I had heard of the things people do for the objects and trinkets that the masked riders throw off the floats, which is a major aspect that distinguishes Mardi Gras in New Orleans from carnival in Guyana. Guyanese people do not take off their clothes for a string of pearl, or a coconut. Carnival in Guyana is a one-day event, celebrating Guyana’s independence from the British. On this day people dress in bright colorful costumes and dance in the street. I remember the first time I went to the carnival. I was about seven years old when my mom took the whole family to watch the parades. I saw the brightly colored costumes, as well as everyone’s body and face covered with glitter. I heard the sweet sounds of the steelband playing and people everywhere dancing in the street. The smell of sweat was in the air as everyone bunched up together to see the floats in all their brilliant glory. I can also recall the taste of sweet syrup as I licked it off the snowcone I was eating. Mardi Gras in New Orleans, however, was a whole new experience for me. On Fat Tuesday I woke up early so I could go to Canal and St Charles Street to watch the parades. The smell of trash filled the air. Thousands of people everywhere. Broken beads, empty beer cups, and cans littered the ground. Some people had many colorful beads around their necks. People were laughing and dancing to the beats of the school bands as they passed along. When the floats got into view, I heard women saying, â€Å"throw me something mister,† and I saw them lifting up their shirts and showing their breasts for pearls, beads, a coconut, or a spear. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I witnessed women and even men showing their goods for some colorful beads.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Moral achievements during adolescents Essay

The adolescent period is marked by a number of physical and emotional changes for individuals. During this period, an individual strives to move from the identity that is dependent on parental and societal influence in to one that is determined by the individual. The purpose of this paper is to review the moral developments during this period of identity formation, and whether it is an entirely free process. To do this, the paper will rely on selected literature to study the various dimensions related to the issue. Introduction One of the hallmarks of adolescence is the search for identity. At this stage of human development, the individual attempts to cultivate a personal identity that will act as the basis for person’s future life. Consequently, this stage is mostly marked by defiance and general non conformity, which happens as one tries to explore practices that are not necessarily in line with both societal and familial norms and expectations. Although important, the search for identity may be a source of discord between an individual and the family or society. The discord may become a source of antagonism between the individual and the society, but more importantly, it may lead to a realization of moral consciousness for the adolescent. In the context of this paper, the word moral shall be taken to be what one perceives right or wrong based on personal conscience. In that regard, moral achievement refers to positive changes in conscience one undergoes during the adolescent period. The paper will be based on selected literature available on the subject. It is however worth noting that the subject under discussion is a multidimensional one, and for that reason, the paper will confine itself to those dimensions covered in the literature as a way of ensuring systematic coverage. The paper will study coping socialization agents, drug use, parental influence on school disposition and identity problems. These are some of the dimensions related to moral achievements. However, even though an individual is supposed to develop a personal identity during this period, the resulting identity is always influenced by external factors such as that from peers, societal and parental influence. Coping Coping refers to an individual’s ability to appropriately react to situations as they arise. Adolescents, like all the other human beings experience adjustments and extensive stressors. According to (Garcia, 2009), some of these stressors and adjustments include dealing with peer relationships, physical and emotional changes that an individual experiences during the period, family dynamics, poverty and crime. Proper coping means that the adolescents must be able to deal with these challenges with resilience and show positive health outcomes (Garcia, 2009). An adolescent achieves cognitive and moral development in a set of three stages. According to (Garcia, 2009), these stages are assimilation, accommodation and equilibration. In addition to these strategies, the adolescent develops critical thinking and information processing, which enables for gradual development of the mind in an adult like thinking one. Guided by the newly acquired traits of critical thinking and information processing, the individual moves away from what they conceive as parental influence and set out to develop their own way of approaching life. At this stage the individual is torn between peer influences and conformity with parental expectations. According to (Garcia, 2009), a well coping individual should be able to develop a healthy identity, which is one developed by the individual as opposed to one imposed by peers or parents. An important element related to coping developed during the adolescent period is the coping strategy. Most prominent of these strategies, according to (Garcia, 2009) is problem solving or help seeking. In other words, during this period, the adolescent will develop coping strategies. In the study, (Garcia, 2009) undertook a study of literature related to the general subject of coping. The study identified coping as coping as one of the key pillars in the health of adolescents. The study found that unhealthy coping strategies lead to unhealthy mental health states such as depression and exhaustion. It is therefore important that during adolescence one develops appropriate coping strategies towards various stressors and adjustments. Religion, peer pressure and drug use These issues are related to search for identity. At this stage, the individuals experiment with new religions, try different types of drugs, which may all be a result of succumbing to influences from peers. According to a survey reported by (Bahr & Hoffman, 2008), 22% of youths admitted having used cigarettes, while another 45% had used alcohol, with another 30% reporting being drunk and 18% acknowledged using marijuana. This was a survey done on high school seniors, most or all of who are in the adolescent stage. The finding is a pointer to how life is volatile for the adolescent. (Bahr & Hoffman, 2008) further notes that there is a negative correlation between religiosity and drug use. In a way, the report endorses religion as a way of reducing drug use because youths with religious affiliations showed less affinity to drug use. To justify this correlation, the study uses social control theory. According to the theory, deviance is more of a natural act while conformity is not. It then follows that religiosity brings in prosocial controls that encourage individuals to conform. Without it, the individuals would follow their natural instincts, which would mean becoming defiant. The other theory used by the report is social learning theory. From the perspective of social learning theory, the religious groups take precedence over friends and family on matters concerning drug use so that instead of individuals picking this habit from them, they are taught by the church (Bahr & Hoffman, 2008). After establishing theories to explain correlations, the study of (Bahr & Hoffman, 2008) notes some control variables such as gender and race and then goes ahead to carry out a survey to validate the hypothesis. The result found a negative correlation on religion measured against cigarettes, heavy drinking and marijuana. The results on other illicit drugs were inconsistent and therefore inconclusive. From the study however, it clear that adolescents can, to an extent, be protected from drug use by being encouraged to take up religiosity. Socialization for adolescents Within an adolescent’s life, there are several agents of socialization. Among these are school, family, peer groups (friends) and community. (Arnon, Shamai, & Ilatov, 2008) did a research in which peer pressure was examined and its effects compared with those of the other agents such as family, school and community. The researchers’ decision to focus on peer influence is premised on the fact that as people approach adolescence, they tend to move away from parents, religious institutions and other official socialization institutions within the community. That therefore leaves peers as the most significant influences at this point because the youths will tend to spend more time with them at the exclusion of the other socialization agents. The study also relies on social theory to explain the influences of peer groupings. Although the study notes the negative influence of peers, it nevertheless notes that it is important for peers to move away from parents for them to develop an independent identity. What the study finds negative is the tendency of the peers to move from parental influence in to conformity towards peer expectations. The identity so obtained will not be a healthy one according to the earlier noted definition. From the study, it emerged that peer groups were the most influential followed closely by family. Other agents, notably school and community only provided secondary influence. It is therefore clear that adolescents submit themselves to be influenced by peers and other socialization agents. Taking in to account the context of this paper, one can conclude that an adolescent’s moral achievement will largely be dictated by the kind of socialization agents in play during the period. Identity problem symptoms in adolescents (Berman, Weems, & Petkus, 2009) defines identity disorder as the inability of an individual to accept aspect oneself. A person is deemed to an identity disorder if for one reason or another, the individual cannot accept certain or all aspects related to his persona. Consequently, the individual becomes predisposed to self denial leading to a form of distress, which may manifest itself in a number of ways. Some of the areas of concern related to this problem, as listed by (Berman, Weems, & Petkus, 2009), include career choice, sexual orientation, friendship and religious identification. The research underscores the importance of identity disorder by citing the fact that the problem is listed Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV) criteria for mental disorders. The importance of identity formation is identified by Erik Erikson as crucial process in young adults because it does provide one with a future direction while at the same time giving a sense of continuity from the past (Berman, Weems, & Petkus, 2009). Adolescent’s search for identity is characterized by two dimensions; exploration and commitment. The two dimensions can be combined by the individual differently so as to come up with differing identity statuses. For instance, one of the statuses is known as achievement. An individual with this kind of status has a high exploration and commitment tendencies. Such kinds of individuals tend to be less predisposed to identity disorders. The aim of the study was to show that trouble with identity fit the definition necessary for them to be termed as disorder. Currently, issues related to identity crisis are classified as problems and not disorder, and have consequently been downgraded within the DSM hierarchy. The downgrade is symbolic because the hierarchy is used by various medical stakeholders such as insurance companies and medical practitioners to determine priority in terms of coverage and treatment. The study found that 14. 3% of the sample met DSM IV criteria for identity problem (Berman, Weems, & Petkus, 2009). It goes to show that the current classification of the problem is unfair because it underestimates its effects. The study then attributes the rise in the identity problem to increased globalization and immigration, which has subsequently led to more clashes between different cultures and more confusion. Moral achievement in as far as identity formation is therefore dependent on how the youth is able to cope with the increase cultural diversity (or clashes) and globalization. Parental influence and its role in on student’s attitude towards school Parents have a role to play in influencing the attitudes children adopt towards schooling. (Annear & Yates, 2010) did a study on how parents influence the children’s disposition towards school. The study drew from a number of aspects of parenting related to schooling such as perceptions of a child’s potential, monitoring and control, level of affect and focus on a child’s ability. The study takes the view that authoritarian kind of parenting was likely to result in lower grades as opposed to parents who allowed their children to undergo the normal process of socialization. It refers to the authoritarian type of parenting as restrictive parenting while for the more liberal parenting, the term used in autonomy support. The study used a sample made up of both parents and students to come up with its findings. The only variable within the study was whether the parent in question was a mother or father. Generally, the study found that autonomy support to have favorable results both in terms of grades and disposition. Further to that, the study found additional side effects of restrictive parenting as sadness, depression and loneliness. Conclusion From the foregoing, it clear that extraneous factors are more responsible at determining an individual’s moral achievement during adolescents. Ultimately, an individual will be responsible for shaping the direction life will take after breaking free of childhood dependencies and parental influence. It however emerges from the paper that even as one breaks free of these influences in search of individual identity external influence is not extinguished, rather, it is just transferred from one entity to another. Implied here is the fact that freedom from childhood dependencies does not mean complete freedom. In an ideal situation, approaching adulthood would mean that one gets to chart the future devoid of external influences so that the individual can claim full credit for the personality developed thereafter. However, that postulation is invalidated by the paper. Theories such as social learning and social control theory would have no place in an adolescent’s world or an adult’s world was that assumption to hold water. This paper limited itself to the adolescent ages between 12 and 18 years, and may not have sufficient grounds to make any inferences concerning post adolescent life. However, this matter can also be extrapolated, to some extent. Given that individuals at adolescence have partially entered adulthood, it also follows that adolescent behavior is not far from adult behavior. For that reason, it is safe to assume that adult behavior will also be subject to influences from external sources, and especially, socialization agents. Bibliography Annear, K. D. , & Yates, G. C. (2010). Restricitve and supportive parenting: Effects in children’s school affect and emotional responses. The Australian Educational Researcher , 63-82. Arnon, S. , Shamai, S. , & Ilatov, Z. (2008). Socialization agents and activities of young adolescents. San diego: Libra publishers. Bahr, S. J. , & Hoffman, J. P. (2008). Religiosity, peers, and adolescent drug use. Journal of Drug Issues , 743-770. Berman, S. L. , Weems, C. M. , & Petkus, V. F. (2009). The Prevalence and Increamental Validity of Identity Problem Symptoms in a High School Sample. Child psychiatry and human development , 183-195. Garcia, C. (2009). Conceptualization and measurement of coping during adolescence: A review of the literature. Journal of Nursing scholarship , 166-185.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Student Anti-Intellectualism and the Dumbing Down

I have had many stressful times with homework and exams, staying up past 2 a. M. Trying to finish a certain assignment or review for a test. I realized I had to change my attitude and come up with a plan to lower my stress and accomplish my goals. With this In mind, I turned to my parents and college counselors for guidance to develop this plan. I listened to their suggestions and ended up with my own plan to manage my time more wisely, add physical activity, and focus on one task, not anticipate the future. Dents from Yale university in 1979 faced: financial, family, friends, and self pressures, when trying to succeed in college. Zingier supports his essay with his own observations by working as a master at Bradford university and also uses quotes and examples from deans and students that attend Yale. The author's purpose is to show students that they don't have to plan the rest of their lives at such a young age; they must take chances and find majors that interest them.The author writes in an informal tone mainly for parents, but also to get people's attention that such pressures are not necessary, that students must be tranquil, choose their own paths, and not give Into such high expectations (Zingier Para. 1-48). My first drastic change was time management; organize my schedule so I would get a chance to accomplish all my goals. In fact, a research about stress mentioned that â€Å"both female and male college students perceive an equivalent magnitude of stress and senior college students perceive the highest stress† (Ditz Para. ). Knowing this I knew I would have to start the stress-free plan right away so I would not end up like most senior college students. Furthermore, research has shown that â€Å"universities should play a more active role in helping first-year students to make sense of time management, academic acculturation, self-directed, student transition, study habits, and student workload techniques†(Van Deer Mere, Ellen and Marm oreal Para. ). My best option at this point as a first year student was to go to my counselor and get some tips on how to manage my time effectively.Ever since that day, I have been able to manage my time to my advantage. Every day I will make a list of activities I must get through by placing the events of most Importance up top and work my way down until the one of least Importance. The faster I got these actively done and crossed them off my list the less stress I had. My time management plan was to first use my first half of my homework. After, that I would either do chores, socialize with friends ND family, or work depending on the day of the week.Around the evening time at pm I would then finish the other half of my homework. This time management system so far has been very productive and given me more flexibility to do a little bit of everything in one every day. Another coping mechanism I found to be very helpful is including physical activity to my daily schedule. For this technique I went to my parents for advice since they are exercise fanatics. I Just figured if they could fit all their responsibilities and still make time for exercising then so could l.At the ginning of my plan I would attend the gym about twice a week, but now I go 5 days a week and I always listen to music that is upbeat so it will keep me in a good and healthy mood. I'll run Monday through Friday, then I will lift weights every other day, and on Sundays I'll meditate or use some form of relaxing technique. It's as if I can't live without it, especially after reading a research by various doctors who said that â€Å"research conducted has shown that physical activity is an effective means of reducing anxiety and various indices of stress among college students and adults†(Spirit-Mete,et. L. Para. 23). While another research done showed that â€Å"poor health behaviors were also linked with high levels of collegiate stress and that the college students who reported higher levels of stress also consumed greater amounts of â€Å"Junk food,† less exercise and inadequate amount of sleep†(Miller, et. Al. Para. 34). Both researches only made me want to exercise even more to relieve all that unnecessary stress. Overall I'm very aware of my time schedule and daily exercise systems to cope with stress, but I noticed I still carried some stress when thinking about the future.Finally, in order to get rid of the stress about anticipating the future, I would Just have to think about my present issues and taking one step at a time. I noticed I would focus too much on getting the major of my dreams or making my parents happy and proud instead of focusing in the moment and what my goals are for right now. In fact, this high expectations and stress all start in high school. A study done by a research team at an â€Å"independent school showed that more than one-third of the forty Juniors unidentified that getting into a good college was more important than being a good person† (Westbound Para. ), the worst part is that their parents agreed. This situation is very unfortunate and students especially coming out of high school into college must focus of what they want to achieve and not what others want them to achieve. That is exactly what I ask myself every day, what do I want to achieve today? In fact, a study from Maintaining Positive Attitude mentioned to â€Å"not press fast forward now because then you will Just end up making the same mistakes later on† (Machine et al. Para. 54).Now I make three lists of accomplishments: one for past accomplishments, present accomplishments in the recess, and accomplishments I plan on fulfilling in the future. Lastly, these methods have given me a better visual of how successful and maintain a peaceful, healthy and happy lifestyle. In the end, I believe my decisions to manage my time, apply daily physical activities, and not over thinking about the future have been the perfect st ress-free plan. Of course not all the stress is gone, but the way I cope with college stress now will help me reach my future goals.Another point is that no matter what challenges in life are, I must take one task at a time with a positive attitude and I put it off until last minute and end up overwhelmed and stressed. The key is to keep my plan up to date and taking these challenges as experiences to become a stronger and more successful student. I even remember one of my high school teachers saying that some stress is actually good for the brain, so I think for now I have enough stress to keep myself challenged.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Communication Skills of the Mental Health Nurse Essays

Communication Skills of the Mental Health Nurse Essays Communication Skills of the Mental Health Nurse Essay Communication Skills of the Mental Health Nurse Essay Abstract This work attempts to examine a number of issues generated by the discussion on the communication skills of the mental health nurse. Nursing actions are planned to promote, maintain, and restore the clients well-being and health. Clients and nurses alike come to the communication with unique cognitive, affective, and psychomotor abilities that they use in their joint endeavor of enhancing the clients well-being. Mental health nurses are responsible for encouraging this interchange of ideas, values, and skills. In an effective helping communication there is a definite and guaranteed interchange between clients and nurses in all three dimensions. The communicative role of the nurse is, thus, an important one. Communication Skills of the Mental Health Nurse Communication is a life-long learning process for the nurse. Nurses make the intimate journey with the client and family from the miracle of birth to the mystery of death. Nurses build assertive communication for this journey. Nurses provide education that helps clients change life-long habits. Nurses communicate with people under stress: clients, family, and colleagues. Nurses deal with anger and depression, with dementia and psychosis, with joy and despair. Nurses serve as client advocates and as members of interdisciplinary teams who may have different ideas about priorities for care. Despite the complexity of technology and the multiple demands on a nurses time, it is the intimate moments of connection that can make all the difference in the quality of care and meaning for the client and the nurse. As nurses refine their communications skills and build their confidence, they can move from novice to expert. Nurses honor the differences in clients with humility and learn and grow i n their ability to trust their intuition - the sacred moment of connection when we ac- knowledge the divine presence in each of us, the essence of each person. Communication involves the reciprocal process of sending and receiving messages between two or more people. This work will focus on the communication skills of the mental health nurse. Communication can either facilitate the development of a therapeutic relationship or create barriers (Burleson 2003). In general, there are two parts to face-to-face communication: the verbal expression of the senders thoughts and feelings, and the nonverbal expression. Verbally, cognitive and affective messages are sent through words, voice inflection, and rate of speech; nonverbally, messages are conveyed by eye movements, facial expressions, and body language. Senders determine what message they want to transmit to the receiver and encode their thoughts and feelings into words and gestures. Senders messages are transmitted to the receiver through sound, sight, touch, and occasionally, through smell and taste. Receivers of the messages have to decode the verbal and nonverbal transmission to make sense of the thoughts and feelings communicated by senders. After decoding the senders words, speech patterns, and facial and body movements, the receivers encode return messages, either ve rbally, through words, or nonverbally, through gestures.   Figure 1 illustrates this reciprocal nature of the communication process. At any point in an interpersonal communication we send and receive verbal and nonverbal messages about thoughts and feelings. The assertive nurse appears confident and comfortable. Assertive behavior is contrasted with nonassertive or passive behavior, in which individuals disregard their own needs and rights, and aggressive behavior, in which individuals disregard the needs and rights of others (Figure 2). The communication between mental health nurse and clients typology is divided into two broad categories: client–nurse communications and person-in-situation, or environmental, interventions. There are six intervention methods within the client–worker communications category: 1. Sustainment. Communications designed to convey interest, understanding, confidence, and reassurance constitute the bulk of sustainment. Frequently, these are nonverbal cues, such as attentive posture, minimal prompts (repeating a word the client has used ina questioning manner), nods, and smiles. Sparingly used supportive statements such as â€Å"You seem to be coping well with an enormous amount of pressure† or â€Å"It is to be expected that this would be difficult to deal with† reflect a level of understanding of the clients situation and sustain the communication. 2. Direct influence. This communication type is really a continuum of interventions that range from tentative suggestion through directive advice giving. Giving direct advice is seldom appropriate to the mental health nurse. Even so, suggestions such as â€Å"I wonder whether it might make sense to consider X strategy for handling this problem† or â€Å"Have you thought about trying to do X in that situation?† fall within the range of mental health nurse work interventions in health care settings. 3. Exploration, description, and ventilation. These communications are designed to promote client disclosures through questions and other techniques. Although using minimal prompts and nodding are also involved in sustainment, the goal differs when they are used in this context. The exploration of clients problems, motivations, and strengths, their descriptions of interactions and situations, and their opportunity to allow open expression of emotions are all goals of this type of intervention. 4. Person–situation reflection. Reflection of client communications is often a main goal of intervention. Burleson (2003) divides the types of reflection into six further categories: reflections of others (clients own health or other aspects of the exterior world); client behavior (including its effects on others or on self); the nature of clients behavior, thoughts, and feelings; the causes and provocations of behavior; self-image, values, and principles from an evaluative stance; and feelings about the nurse or the client–nurse relationship. 5. Pattern–dynamic reflection. Communication for the purpose of reflecting back general patterns in the clients behavior and the motivations behind the behavior are given a separate category. Much interpretive and analytic work is done with this type of communication. 6. Developmental reflection. Like pattern–dynamic reflection, this type of communication identifies patterns in client motivation and behavior; however, the focus is on historical developmental patterns. Framing reflections in terms of prior client development is a hallmark of this type of interaction. Acceptance, and its associated value of being non-judgmental, is extensively examined in communication skills. It involves ‘respect and concern’ and ‘an uncompromising belief in the innate worth of the individual human being’ (Atkinson 2002). It is essential not simply that the worker should have these beliefs, but that the client actually experiences himself being respected by the worker.   We do not display unconditional positive regard: there is an expectation by the worker that change will occur. Acceptance, however, requires humility. Indeed, it may go beyond simple refusal to judge, but actively to seek to understand can be a prerequisite to acceptance. A final element is the commitment implied by acceptance: that although the client may behave in ways disapproved of, the relationship will continue as far as the nurse is concerned. Atkinson (2002) stresses consciously attempting to suspend personal value judgments, opinions, attitudes and feelings ab out the issues raised, and concentrate on accepting the client’s values, feelings and opinions (p. 174). The nurse should accept the patient as he or she is, and in addition to accepting him/her as he is, the nurse should treat the patient as an emotionally able stranger and relate to him/her as such until evidence shows otherwise. Nurses must remain true to their values while accepting the patient’s right to follow his/her conscience, they must display tolerance of themselves and others and must be non-judgmental so the patient feels free to express his/her real feelings. To be accepting is, at base, to be friendly. Empathy, listening and individualizing are a closely related cluster of qualities. Empathy is perhaps the most widely discussed element in nursing communication skills. Atkinson (2002) suggests it is imaginatively understanding others: ‘the power to feel imaginatively the experience of the other person†¦to â€Å"get on the same wavelength† as them’. The nurses attempt to ‘put themselves in another’s shoes’. However, this should not overwhelm them. Burleson (2003) calls it controlled emotional involvement. Burleson identifies a continual movement between merging with the client and regaining an objective stance. We recognize that we are a separate person, and this is necessary to maintain a sense of proportion. There is a clear intuitive dimension. Jordan (1979, p. 20) considers ‘it requires the exercise of all her [the worker’s] intuitive and imaginative capacities’ to go beyond the detail of the message. It also has a more cognitive element. It involves ‘building up our knowledge’ (Atkinson 2002) and methods of reasoning†¦to make an objective analysis†¦ [and] the theoretical knowledge [to obtain]†¦a mental representation of the other (Burleson Planalp 2000). Listening is a closely associated practice element. Indeed, it would appear a prerequisite to any degree of accurate empathy. Although non-verbal cues may be used, the ability to listen significantly facilitates understanding of the client and the meaning for him of his circumstances. Listening, however, is not a passive activity. Atkinson (2002) emphasizes nurse involvement, and the active seeking for ‘information’: ‘a listener who is able to respond actively and appropriately to the messages he receives’. Riley (2000) considers likewise it is not a passive ‘hearing’. It is an active search for the meaning in and an active understanding of, the client’s communication. (p. 168) It is this active striving for meaning which links it to empathy, the attempt to understand. It is ‘listen and know what I mean’ (Worden 2003). Listening, though, has a further positive element: actually encouraging the client to express himself. It involves listening hard, not only to the words which the client is using, but also the overtones of what he is saying together with encouraging the client to formulate and express his worries. Individualization is also closely associated with empathy: for to empathize is to do so with an individual who has unique qualities. Individualization is the recognition and understanding of each client’s unique qualities based on the right to be treated not just as a human being, but as this human being with his personal differences. Individualization possesses two central characteristics: like others it involves recognition of uniqueness, but also one of value a valuation of an individual’s potential accomplishments. Barrett (2003) identifies three ways in which it occurs in practice: in the present through the current nurse-client relationship; in description of the past through which the client presents their biography; and discussing future actions contributing to his/her personal identity. Overall treatment should be geared to individual needs. Above all, individualization means being free from projecting stereotypes on to people. Communication skills of mental health nursing also discuss empathy. It is the ability to perceive accurately the feelings of another person and to communicate this understanding to him. It is the capacity for participating in a vicarious experience of another’s feelings, volitions or ideas. Atkinson (2002) considers it to be an absolutely essential element of interpersonal communication. Nurse authors recognize it goes beyond simply what another person says: it is the ability to perceive accurately the internal frame of reference of the other and involves the latent meaning of what has been said. It is necessary, though, to retain some separateness: it is the quality of objectivity which distinguishes empathy from sympathy. Overall seeing things through the other person’s eyes involves, first, responding to the words and reflecting them, and second, picking out the unspoken feelings behind what is said. A further cluster of related concepts are authenticity, genuineness and openness. Authenticity requires the nurse be real and human in the communication. It implies spontaneity, the willingness to share one’s own feelings and reactions. Genuineness on the other hand means that there is a striving towards congruence between the nurses’ feelings and their behavior. Authenticity, then, means retaining one’s essential ‘humanness’, while genuineness is significant in the generation of authenticity: the worker openly providing information requested, and when appropriate initiates information sharing. This involves being honest about the reality of the nurse’s position: that the nurse’s powers and limitations are stated clearly when appropriate. Authenticity and openness, therefore, involve being authentic as a professional and not just a private person. Congruence means that nurses bring honest matches the underlying value system and essentia l self as a professional person. At a personal level it motivates a warm and nurturing heart, on objective, open and disciplined mind (heart and head). It is the synthesis of personal and professional which is significant: without this there is a loss of spontaneity with the worker appearing as a guarded professional. How does the nurse demonstrate genuineness? The nurse should give time, be sincere and be consistent in the attitudes and behavior shown during the communication. However sincerity does not involve cushioning the patient inappropriately from reality. This work has examined issues relating to communication (or its likely effect) and client involvement in the process of intervention. The role of the mental health nurse in health communication bears both similarities and dissimilarities to that of the physician. The nurse is in a pivotal position on the patient care team. Often nurses claim that patients should be treated as people rather than cases, they do not communicate as they profess they should nor as they think they do. In summary, this work highlights the importance of practice and preparation in the development of mental health nurses communication skills. Changing and improving the way health care providers interact with patients is complicated for several reasons. First, many nurses have developed a style of communicating that they perceive to be effective and easy to use, especially if they have been practicing for a number of years. To diversify their communicative repertoire, nurses must believe in the need for change , learn new responses (e.g., open-ended questions, attentive listening), and identify and refrain from problematic behaviors. Because of these factors, it is unlikely that a single, brief intervention will lead to significant improvement in a health care providers communicative skills. Research to date indicates that the most successful communication skill interventions will be those that are intensive and employ diverse pedagogical techniques including expert and patient feedback, role playing, modeling, practice, group discussion, and watching ones performance on videotape. References Atkinson, Mary. (2002). Mental Health Handbook for Schools. Routledge/Falmer: London. Barrett, Sheila. (2003). Communication, Relationships and Care: A Reader. Routledge: New York. Burleson, B. R., Planalp, S. (2000). â€Å"Producing emotion(al) messages.† Communication Theory, 10. Burleson, Brant R. (2003). Handbook of Communication and Social Interaction Skills. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates: Mahwah, NJ. Riley, Julia Balzer. (2000). Communication in Nursing. Mosby: St. Louis, MO. Worden, J. William. (2003). Grief Counselling and Grief Therapy: A Handbook for the Mental Health Practitioner. Brunner-Routledge: Hove, England. Figure 1  Ã‚   The Human Communication Process Figure 2 Assertive and Nonassertive Style of Communication Characteristics Assertive Nonassertive Aggressive Attitude toward self and others Im OK Youre OK Im not OK Youre not OK Im not OK Youre not OK Decision making Makes own decision Lets others choose for him or her Chooses for others Behavior in problem situations Direct, fair confrontation Flees, gives in Outright, assaultive Verbal behaviors Clear, direct statement of wants; objective words; honest statement of feelings Apologetic words; hedging; rambling; failing to say what is meant Loaded words; accusations; superior, haughty words; labeling of other person Nonverbal behaviors Confident, congruent messages Actions instead of words (not saying what is felt); incongruence between words and behaviors Air of superiority; flip- pant, sarcastic style Voice Firm, warm, confident Weak, distant, soft, wavering Tense, shrill, loud, cold, demanding, authoritarian, coldly silent Eyes Warm, in contact, frank Averted, downcast, teary, pleading Expressionless, cold, narrowed, staring Stance Relaxed Stooped; excessive lean- ing for support Hands on hips; feet apart Hands Gestures at appropriate times Fidgety, clammy Fists pounding or clenched Pattern of relating Puts himself or herself up without putting others down Puts himself or herself down Puts himself or herself up by putting others down Response of others Mutual respect Disrespect, guilt, anger, frustration Hurt, defensiveness, humiliation Consequences of style I win, you win; strives for win-win or no lose solutions I lose, you lose; only succeeds by luck or charity of others I win, you lose; beats out others at any cost STUDENT NAME_________________ DATE___________________________ GRADING GRID / CRITERIA: FORMAL APA PAPER TOPIC SELECTION: (15%)_____  § Relevant to professional nursing  § Timely/current  § Appropriate for length and course STRUCTURE: (35%)_____  § Correct use of grammar and spelling  § Expression of ideas well organized, clear, and concise  § Appropriate length of paper and paragraphs  § Appropriate use of tables, graphs, etc.  § Correct use of APA editorial format CONTENT: (35%)_____  § Information generates interest  § Illustrations and examples used as needed  § Information is accurate  § Resources/references underpin structure of the paper and salient points  § Implications for nursing practice or research identified REFERENCES: (15%)_____  § Less than 4 years, unless nursing or other theory or supporting reference  § Scientific nursing, medical, or allied health journal or other scholarly Publication

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Notebook movie review

The Notebook movie review Free Online Research Papers Hello, friends! I want to tell you about my favorite movie The Notebook. This movies about the old man in nursing home reads the tale to old woman each day. The Tale, which he reads follows two young lovers named Allie Hamilton and Noah Calhoun. They have met one evening in carnival much years agoes. The Parents Allies separate But also Allie. They convict the Whined defect a wealth and move Allie away. After waiting whine to write it for several years, Allie meets and becomes the occupied beautiful young soldier named Lon. In local newspaper, Whined scene caughts the eye Allies. He costs before completely restored, 200 year houses. The Article is filled by praising for its perfection. The Heart Allies nearly bursts. Last time she saw this house, which this was rotted to decay to drag along awkwardly. She has stood enfolded in Whined arms in big entryway and listened their own plans to buy and restore this house. Exactly way, which she has wanted this. With her love for whine still alive, scene to pull in its heart. She must return, see if an o.k., and report him on its marriage. They both think the echo deep in their own heart, that which lasted all these years, not wide-spread others. The Shout, which they could not suppress. This does not end for m e. The Notebook is one of my whole-loved cinema of time. The Constant, and classicist love the tale, which does You to be felt as it is woke;waked You there observe it as it is woke;waked You one of the symbol, which do the influence of the tale simply that more real. There really not no word to describe as this cinema does You to feel, but one this is because certainly This will do You to be felt. After observe this, I sowed;sown often just where I and is right before thought about this. This simply one of that cinema that You will think beside 30 years after observe, which this and still gets this ditto feeling in your heart and You will hear that concerned You anyway. If You did not see this, You really miss The Classicist! Research Papers on The Notebook movie reviewHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayWhere Wild and West MeetPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyHip-Hop is ArtTrailblazing by Eric AndersonMind TravelThe Fifth HorsemanHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionThe Hockey GameThe Spring and Autumn

Sunday, October 20, 2019

MLA Referencing †Citing an Edited Book (Proofread My Paper)

MLA Referencing – Citing an Edited Book MLA Referencing – Citing an Edited Book MLA referencing offers a simple way of citing sources in a college paper. However, for an edited book, there are some rules you need to remember, especially on the â€Å"† page. First, though, let’s take a quick look at citing sources in the text. In-Text Citations When citing something from an edited book in MLA, give the surname of the author of the section cited and the relevant page number(s) in parentheses: Communication can influence an individual’s expectations (Smith 253). As with other source types, you do not need to repeat the name of the author in citations when they’re already named in the text: According to Smith, communication is â€Å"one of the means by which an individual can influence another individual’s expectations† (253). The only time you’ll need to cite the editor or editors is when citing an edited volume as a whole, but this would be unusual most of the time. The Page (Chapter from an Edited Book) MLA requires that all sources cited are listed in a â€Å"† page at the end of your document. When citing a single chapter from an edited book, the format to use is: Author Surname, Forename. â€Å"Chapter Title.† Edited Book Title, edited by Editor’s Name, Publisher, Year, Page Range. As such, the essay used in the examples above would appear as: Smith, John W. â€Å"Communication and Expectations: A Social Process and the Cognitive Operations It Depends Upon and Influences.† Readings in Animal Cognition, edited by Mark Bekoff and Dale Jamieson, MIT Press, 1996, pp. 243-55. The Page (Multiple Chapters) This format differs slightly if you’re citing several chapters from the same edited book, as MLA referencing allows you to cross-reference entries to save repeating information. This involves first adding a separate entry in the â€Å"† list for the volume as a whole: Editor Surname, Forename, editor(s). Title of Book. Publisher, Year of Publication. If a book has multiple editors, you only need to invert the names of the first author. We would therefore list Readings in Animal Cognition as: Bekoff, Mark and Dale Jamieson, editors. Readings in Animal Cognition. MIT Press, 1996. After this, each essay from the edited volume can be listed separately, mentioning the editor(s) of the edited book and page range to show where they come from: Bekoff, Mark and Dale Jamieson, editors. Readings in Animal Cognition. MIT Press, 1996. Gruen, Lori. â€Å"Gendered Knowledge? Examining Influences on Scientific and Ethological Inquiries.† Bekoff and Jamieson, pp. 17-27. Smith, John W. â€Å"Communication and Expectations: A Social Process and the Cognitive Operations It Depends Upon and Influences.† Bekoff and Jamieson, pp. 243-55. Thornhill, Randy. â€Å"The Study of Adaptation.† Bekoff and Jamieson, pp. 107-27. Finally, remember to maintain alphabetical order by surname throughout your â€Å"† page. This order must be used even if it means that chapters from an edited book aren’t listed together.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Enterprise Finance Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Enterprise Finance - Coursework Example These shares are exceptionally risky. The advantages of ordinary shares are: 1) If there are good profits, dividends are paid at a higher rate. 2) Share value goes up in the stock market, increases profits. 3) Shares can be straightforwardly sold in the stock market. 4) Shareholders have a say in company management. 5) Capital raised by issuing of shares is not required to be paid back during company lifetime. 6) Regarding payment of dividends on shares the company is not liable. The demerits of ordinary shares are: 1) Uncertainty in dividend payment, shareholders get bonuses only when the company is making profits. 2) There is share prices speculation especially when bonus paid by the company is high. 3) Over-capitalization danger from miscalculation of long-term financial requirements. 4) There is a high degree of risks for the equity shareholders for instance, if the company is winding up, they are the last to be refunded. The other shares are preference shares. Preference shareho lders enjoy several rights over ordinary shareholders; they receive a bonus at a fixed rate and regularly, capital is given back in case of wounding up of the company this means they are paid before ordinary shareholders. Preference shares are safe comparing with ordinary ones. From the above information, we can now easily differentiate between equity and preference shares. In preference shares, issuing of shares is not compulsory compared to equity shares where issuing of the shares is compulsory. In preference shares, paying of bonus are done before equity shareholders while, in equity shares, the shareholders are paid only preference shareholders. In case of closing up of a company, preference shareholders are refunded their capital before the equity shareholders, while the equity... The disadvantages are: 1) Uncertainty: in order for a company to attract public to deposit their savings, it should have a credit rating that is high. Certain financial problems may arise from sudden deposits withdrawals. 2) Lack of security: there are no charges on the concerned assets by the public. Therefore, there is a risk in depositing savings with a company that is not very sound. 3) Obstruction of capital-market growth: lack of capital-market growth deprives the investor and the company good security benefits. This comes from more and more incoming deposits with the company hence less security investment. 4) Over–capitalization: this source of finance may lead to raising of more currency than is needed. This will lead a company to get involved in speculative activities or may be unable to put the funds to best use. The fifth long-term source is, borrowing from banks. This involves acquiring of loans from banks and financial institutions. Lending between a bank and organization is dependent on trust and understanding amongst the two. Banks give loans for more than a year. Banks give funds to small-scale units. Long-term borrowing from banks has some merits: 1) Flexible in nature this is seen when loans are repaid when the need is met. 2) Availability of finance for a definite period thus no burden. 3) Secrecy by banks on its clients’ financial operations. 4) Saves time and cost compared to shares and debentures. 5) No interference of internal affairs by the bank hence company control is retained by management. Demerits of borrowing from banks are as follows: 1) When borrowing, personal guarantee or assets pledge is required, and an organization cannot raise more loans on these assets.

Nestl Tries for an All-for-One Global Strategy Case Study

Nestl Tries for an All-for-One Global Strategy - Case Study Example Decentralisation could best apply in different situations, but as organizations grow and establish more branches in different areas, numerous problems arise. Establishing individual organizations could need a lot of infrastructures, and capital to conduct operations in any decentralized system.   For Nestle, the decentralized strategy had created inefficiencies and accrued extra costs, which hindered the company from fully realizing its profits and competing through electronic commerce (â€Å"Nestlà © Struggles,† From this, the company was exposing itself to potential external threats, such as its shared global suppliers, and competitors. Even with the huge investment on numerous computer and information system resources, decentralization gave room for inefficiencies, more expenditure, inventory mismanagement, distributed decision making, operation complexity and data isolation that prevented data sharing, due to the differences in Information Systems, and lack of a standard platform. It was obvious that the company was not receiving the exact benefit that could come with information systems.   Due to the differences and challenging experiences in the global market, Nestle SA had to act towards business integration and consolidation, so as to allow standardization and coordination of its business processes and information systems (â€Å"Nestlà © Struggles,† The company embarked on a global implementation of SAP R/3 ERP software, which intended to replace the SAP R/2 version that had been operating in most of the local organizations. Through the introduction of the software, the inefficiencies and accrued costs would be cutback, in the long run, to allow the company realize its full benefits.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 35

Case study - Essay Example Among those players, the most notable and renowned name was of the Next Step Herbal Health, which was also regarded as one of the fastest establishing companies in the US by Forbes. She decided to accept the invitation of joining the company for a ‘Get to Know Us session’. While she was leaving to join the session, she conducted some internet research about the company owing to which she was able to know that the company and its operational effectiveness in an efficient manner. However, some of the internet materials also depicted the malpractices of the company within their business operations. She received a warm welcome when reached the company. She interacted with the recruiters and enquired about the reality of the articles she read on the internet about the ethical practical practices of the company. She also attended a small event where the CEO of the company described the mission and vision of the business in precise. Subsequently, she was offered a contract by t he management after which she would need to join an orientation program in the Atlanta office of the company. It is apparent that Ramona was offered employment with an attractive contract by one of the top companies of the US. However, there are certain ethical practices and situations that need to be considered by Ramona while signing the contract with the company. Since Ramona was Christian in terms of religion there are also certain spiritual aspects that must be taken into consideration. Notably, as per some of the stanza in the Bible, ethics is an important part to be practiced by individuals towards ensuring their inner satisfaction. As per a particular excerpt from the Bible, â€Å"You shall not steal; you shall not deal falsely; you shall not lie to one another.† The excerpt primarily means that one should not be involved in stealing or appreciating falsely and must not lie to one another. Contextually, it has been noted from the provided case study that the

Crime rates in Qatar Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Crime rates in Qatar - Research Proposal Example The primary responsibility of any country to its citizens is security. The existence of adequate security in any society therefore makes it possible for people to pursue their various interests without having to worry about their personal or family safety (Wendel 2007). This positively influences the country’s economy because people devote more time towards developments and other income generating activities. Qatar is one such country that is striving to attain a national security status with relatively lower crime rates compared to her western counterparts like the United States. Although few studies have been conducted to document the actual crime statistics in Qatar, there is a general consensus that Qatar citizens feel safer than those in America (Orr 2007). Hence a research gap exists in order to establish the actually crime rates in Qatar. Several researchers in America have attempted to demystify crime by conducting a couple of studies on the crime rates in the country. Most of these studies are commissioned by stakeholders in security matters like the American criminal justice system while a few are privately funded. Stephen Rickman conducted one such study. In his findings, authorized for distribution by the American institute for public research, Rickman (2013) analyzed data for reported crimes in U.S for the past 50 years and recorded an overall reduction of crime rates from the 1970s to the present. The statistics indicate that there has been a significant decrease in crime between 2005 and 2010 since violent crimes reduced by 15.8% while property crimes dropped by 12.1% (Rickman, 2013). The findings also indicate that crime rates have fallen sharply in the last 30 years. For instance, In 1991, the U.S reported 24,703 homicides compared to 14,748 murders in the year 2010, which points to a reduction of murder ca ses by over 10,000 annually

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Sartre's Existentialism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sartre's Existentialism - Essay Example This research will begin with the biography of Jean-Paul Sartre. He was a French existentialist philosopher and has laid down the foundation of literary and philosophical existentialism in 20th-century philosophy with the help of his works and doctrines. Every question for a man starts from the mere idea of his existence on this Earth; thus the question subsequently arises as to who it was that created a human being. Most people have branded this creator by the name of God. Philosophers like Kant and Descartes have been able to give the example of an artisan that creates a paper knife or a paper cutter and designs it for a specific purpose, in order to meet a specific goal of cutting paper and have copied the same analogy for the purpose of a human being. Thus, God is the creator that has made individuals that roam the planet Earth and they come with a specific purpose of meeting their personal goals and objectives. However, there are atheist existentialists that believe that man â⠂¬Ëœjust is’. They do not believe that man has to be created by someone by the name of God, and thus write that the human race just began existing. This can be compared to certain moral values within society that people follow; for example, it is nowhere written that people must not lie or cheat; people choose to not lie or cheat because it is the ‘good thing’ to do. Once again, however, it has nowhere been mentioned by anyone in particular as to what ‘is good’ and what is not.‘is good’ and what is not. According to Dostoevsky, â€Å"If God did not exist, everything would be permitted.† This very sentence is the starting point for most existentialists. This is because most people find in God an assuring power that helps them to survive each and every day. Even if God does not exist in reality, everything will still be permitted. Existentialists write that man is born free, with freedom however from the time that he is born, he attaches himself to a segment of God in order to provide himself with something to rely upon in times of need. A human being cannot find anything else to depend upon except a higher power which he vests within the name of God. Thus, he discovers that he is without excuse. Man is left alone and does not have the right to blame anybody else for his actions; this mere thought drives a man to the greatest depths of fear which forces him to believe in God. According to the text provided, an existentialist â€Å"thinks that every man, without any support or help whatever, is condemned at every instant to invent man.† Thus, the only thing that stops a man from doing everything that has been permitted is the idea of being ashamed and being answerable to his own self. Every man is able to take on a certain amount of responsibility in order to carry out actions that would help him to understand himself and achieve more in life. However, every ounce of responsibility comes equipped with a certain amount of anguish that most people are not able to fathom and thus disguise in order to not let other people know that they are suffering from it. However, anxiety is quite commonly associated with heavy responsibility and thus, man requires someone that he can provide an excuse with in case he is not able to carry out these actions to the best of his abilities in a desired manner. God is the driving force that led human beings to believe in ideas of heaven and hell, thus if the possibility of His very existence vanishes, with that, the possibility and idea of an aspect of intelligible heaven or hell also disappears. The death of God simply anguishes a human being and forces him to think of a plane where he exists without the help of any higher power or force. This very thought is perturbing to the mind of a man who has

Network Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Network Design - Essay Example In the following section a description of both physical and logical design is given to clearly define the distinction between these two approaches. logical network design refers to the logical addressing used to describe the network or the networks it connects to. A logical network design displays the IP Addresses linked with each component of the network as shown in fig. 2. In most cases, the logical network is a simple Class C network such as with the default subnet mask of This network allows up to 254 hosts to be connected directly to it without the need of any routing. The following are important factors involved in logical network design. Information about client Kinds of Services or Applications Will the Network Offer Choice of LAN Protocol The information and assessment about the work patterns for various clients is an important factor in logical network design. It helps to appropriately place servers, high- bandwidth links, and other such things in the appropriate physical location of the network. For example if any client (either a single work station or a group) contributes a major portion of the network traffic, then it is necessary to provide that client with a large data pipe. The second important point to be considered in network’s logic design is the kinds of services or applications that a can offer. Typical network applications today include FTP, telnet, and, of course, browsing the Web. Since each application has potential security problems, hence logical network design also addresses the potential security risks. The choice of LAN Protocol is also decided in logical network design. Today the de facto protocol of choice has to be TCP/IP.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Sartre's Existentialism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sartre's Existentialism - Essay Example This research will begin with the biography of Jean-Paul Sartre. He was a French existentialist philosopher and has laid down the foundation of literary and philosophical existentialism in 20th-century philosophy with the help of his works and doctrines. Every question for a man starts from the mere idea of his existence on this Earth; thus the question subsequently arises as to who it was that created a human being. Most people have branded this creator by the name of God. Philosophers like Kant and Descartes have been able to give the example of an artisan that creates a paper knife or a paper cutter and designs it for a specific purpose, in order to meet a specific goal of cutting paper and have copied the same analogy for the purpose of a human being. Thus, God is the creator that has made individuals that roam the planet Earth and they come with a specific purpose of meeting their personal goals and objectives. However, there are atheist existentialists that believe that man â⠂¬Ëœjust is’. They do not believe that man has to be created by someone by the name of God, and thus write that the human race just began existing. This can be compared to certain moral values within society that people follow; for example, it is nowhere written that people must not lie or cheat; people choose to not lie or cheat because it is the ‘good thing’ to do. Once again, however, it has nowhere been mentioned by anyone in particular as to what ‘is good’ and what is not.‘is good’ and what is not. According to Dostoevsky, â€Å"If God did not exist, everything would be permitted.† This very sentence is the starting point for most existentialists. This is because most people find in God an assuring power that helps them to survive each and every day. Even if God does not exist in reality, everything will still be permitted. Existentialists write that man is born free, with freedom however from the time that he is born, he attaches himself to a segment of God in order to provide himself with something to rely upon in times of need. A human being cannot find anything else to depend upon except a higher power which he vests within the name of God. Thus, he discovers that he is without excuse. Man is left alone and does not have the right to blame anybody else for his actions; this mere thought drives a man to the greatest depths of fear which forces him to believe in God. According to the text provided, an existentialist â€Å"thinks that every man, without any support or help whatever, is condemned at every instant to invent man.† Thus, the only thing that stops a man from doing everything that has been permitted is the idea of being ashamed and being answerable to his own self. Every man is able to take on a certain amount of responsibility in order to carry out actions that would help him to understand himself and achieve more in life. However, every ounce of responsibility comes equipped with a certain amount of anguish that most people are not able to fathom and thus disguise in order to not let other people know that they are suffering from it. However, anxiety is quite commonly associated with heavy responsibility and thus, man requires someone that he can provide an excuse with in case he is not able to carry out these actions to the best of his abilities in a desired manner. God is the driving force that led human beings to believe in ideas of heaven and hell, thus if the possibility of His very existence vanishes, with that, the possibility and idea of an aspect of intelligible heaven or hell also disappears. The death of God simply anguishes a human being and forces him to think of a plane where he exists without the help of any higher power or force. This very thought is perturbing to the mind of a man who has

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Network Security Outline Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Network Security - Outline Example Network security has advanced from a fascinating curiosity to a vital rather essential part of the network management activity for potential corporate users in all sectors of the economy. Successful test projects are helping an increasing number of institutions to make the shift towards incorporating security measures in their organizations. In the recent past, last decade, network security implementations have shifted the focus from the relatively small early adopters to a much larger group of organizations that use the network security to expand and comprehensively cover the networking capabilities and enhance their solicitation to their clientele. This report examines the state security implementation on an organization’s network based on the success stories and perceived benefits. It examines the objectives, background and level of detail into implementing the service. Further, the report incisively looks at the motivation for making the technological shift from wired infrastructure to wireless networking solutions and nature of the expected implementation Majority of the existing organizations, commercial and non commercial, have in the very least installed a certain security mechanism in their organizations. This comes in the form of simple firewall to a complex layered network of switches, routers etc. in a single room to rolling out large campus areas and few metropolitan area networks. Granted the continuing forecasts and advances for network technology and the pervasive use of network applications., the era for implementing tight network security in an organization is at hand. Organizations are growing increasingly concerned about security of their data, especially as the very value of their data continues to increase. This value refers to what strategic and planning information that the data can be used for. Network security has been overlooked in this rising awareness about security. It is often not possible to put a price tag on the stored data but the organization knows that it is its most valuable asset. Compromising or expo sing the information can cause them pervasive damage of their brand and reputation. Organizations ought to adopt security strategies, for instance, tagging data with a level of confidentiality to make sure only those permitted have access to such data (Connolly and Begg 2009). Security strategies are designed as the overall plans to mitigate risk. As mentioned earlier, most organizations have security strategies, but miss out on network security or do not adequately address the issue. A comprehensive security strategy must lessen the overall possibility of loss or harm to an organization’s data. Furthermore, the strategy must focus on the business data concerns from a statutory, contractual and legal perspective. There exist multiple regulatory standards and requirements that have imposed on the organization to address information security risks. Contracts are making it necessary to organizations to consider security of their data at all levels. Proactive network security man agement and planning can save organizations significant amounts of money and reduce the overall exposure to risk. Striking a balance between the organizational objectives and security requirements is a task that squarely falls on the IT department. They are charged with developing the ICT policy for companies in consultation with

Monday, October 14, 2019

Interpersonal Relationships in the Work Place Essay Example for Free

Interpersonal Relationships in the Work Place Essay In todays world, there is a need for work to be done as quickly as possible. And for this purpose, working professionals need to have good relations between each other. Healthy professional relations can be maintained by effective workplace communication and teamwork. Interpersonal relationships at work gradually develop with good team participation and communication with other members. You can say that everything at the office depends on good relationships between employees and the management. Interpersonal relationships at work are absolutely essential, as they help workers to have a mutual understanding between themselves. I believe that that strong interpersonal relationships at work lead to motivation among employees. The main benefit of having interpersonal relationships at work is that they work in a team. If there are healthy interpersonal relationships in the team members, they certainly tend to work collectively towards the prescribed goal. Teamwork also contributes a lot to a healthy work environment. Employees feel good to work if there is a favorable environment at the workplace. If employees have a mutual understanding with each other, there are very less chances of any kind of workplace conflicts. Communication is one of the most crucial interpersonal skills to be practiced at the workplace. Without effective interpersonal communication, there will not be a smooth and clear flow of ideas, resulting in confusion. A true professional will always talk to other executives, with looking directly into the eyes. Always smile when you speak with others, in a face to face talk or even on the phone. The smile will make others comfortable and it will also be apparent in the tone while on the phone. I believe that an effective supervisor needs to refrain from showing favoritism; make difficult, sometimes unpopular, decisions; show concern for subordinates without appearing to pry; and avoid misusing supervisorial power. Supervisors need to strike the right note in their interpersonal relations with workers. About three month ago there was an incident at my place of employment. My manager pulled me into her office and closed the door. Immediately I replied did I do something wrong? She replied no you actually did something so right. She said one of our patient’s family members over heard a conversation that you and another employee had. I knew exactly what she was talking about. A coworker of mines came up to me while I was in a patient’s room and yelled out â€Å"why didn’t you sign off the water log yesterday. I politely said im sorry but it may have been a mistake. If you give me a minute to finish what I am doing here I will come over and take care of it. She said â€Å"what ever, we will see†. The visitor looked at me and said that was very rude but you handled that professionally. With a smile on my face I said thank you very much and left the room. I immediately went to my coworker and politely explained how rude and disrespectful she was to the patient and her visitors. She understood what I was saying, she then apologized to me the patient and the visitors. My manager knows how rude my coworker can be on a daily basis. So she then pulled her in the office and asked us both how us we work the incident out. We both gave our side of the story and we both told the truth. My manager then presented me with a Starbucks gift card for being employee of the week. When communicating with other employees, it is fine if you add a bit of humor to the scene, just to release the stress and tension involved. Make sure you do not get involved in the blame game. Always ensure that you stick to what you said. It is a good idea to share what you recently accomplished and found out. This creates a feeling of openness among the team members.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Jude the Obscure and Social Darwinism Essay -- Jude Obscure

Jude the Obscure and Social Darwinism  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   Jude the Obscure is indeed a lesson in cruelty and despair; the inevitable by-products of Social Darwinism. The main characters of the book are controlled by fate's "compelling arm of extraordinary muscular power"(1), weakly resisting the influence of their own sexuality, and of society and nature around them.    Jude's world is one in which only the fittest survive, and he is clearly not equipped to number amongst the fittest. In keeping with the strong Darwinian undercurrents that run through the book, a kind of "natural selection" ensures that Jude's offspring do not survive to procreate either. Their death by murder and suicide is but one of many grisly instances of cruelty in the novel, and there are numerous others (such as the cruel revelation that Latin is not merely "decodable" into English, which shatters Jude's naive pretensions about learning that language; and Jude's rejected application for university entrance, without even having the opportunity to be tested; and Sue's reversal of all her ideals and decisions upon the death of her children, which she sees as some sort of divine warning, and her subsequent return to Phillotson, to name but a few).    Hardy's view of all this cruelty is related with a grim irony that is evident in Jude's death scene. While the festival celebrations of the world outside continue in oblivious gaiety, Jude himself quotes morbid poetry:    "Let the day perish wherein I was born, and the night in which it was said, There is a man child conceived." ("Hurrah!")(2)    This ironic comment on life's cruelty continues at Jude's funeral; Jude's aspirations to university education were never realised, yet as ... ...s; they are at the mercy of the indifferent forces that manipulate their behaviour and their relations with others"(5). This manipulation by fate, and the resulting disparity between human goals and what is actually achieved, mean that the lesson taught in Jude the Obscure is very much one of the cruelty of nature and society.    End Notes: (1) Hardy, Thomas, Jude the Obscure, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1985, p. 41 (I.-vii). (2) Ibid., p. 426 (VI.-xi). (3) Ibid., p. 430 (VI.-xi). (4) Ibid., p. 65 (I.-x). (5) Abrams, M. H., ed., The Norton Anthology of English Literature, 6th ed., Vol. 2., Norton, New York, 1993, p. 1692. Bibliography: Abrams, M. H., ed., The Norton Anthology of English Literature, 6th ed., Vol. 2., Norton, New York, 1993. Hardy, Thomas, Jude the Obscure, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1985.      

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Data Normalization :: Essays Papers

Data Normalization Data normalization is an important step in any database development process. Through this tedious process a developer can eliminate duplication and develop standards by which all data can be measured. This paper addresses the history and function of data normalization as it applies to the course at hand. In 1970, Dr. E.F. Codd's seminal paper "A Relational Model for Large Shared Databanks" was published in Communications of the ACM. This paper introduced the topic of data normalization, so-named because, at the time, President Nixon was normalizing relations with China. Data normalization is a technique used during logical data modeling to ensure that there is only one way to know a fact, by removing all structures that provide more than one way to know the same fact as represented in a database relation (table). The goal of normalization is to control and eliminate redundancy, and mitigate the effects of modification anomalies -- which are generally insertion and deletion anomalies. (Insertion anomalies occur when the storage of information about one attribute requires additional information about a second attribute. Deletion anomalies occur when the deletion of one fact results in the loss of a second fact). Normalization There are six generally recognized normal forms of a relation: first normal form, second normal form, third normal form, Boyce/Codd normal form, fourth normal form, and fifth normal form, also called projection/join normal form. Other normal forms (e.g., Domain/Key) exist but will not be discussed here. The normal forms are hierarchical, i.e., each normal form builds upon its predecessor. Although many people consider a relation to be normalized only when it is in third normal form, technically speaking, a relation in only first normal form can be considered normalized. The Normal Forms First normal form (1NF) - All attributes must be atomic. That is, there can exist no repeating groups in an attribute. For example, in a relation that describes a student, the student's classes should not be stored in one field, separated by commas. Rather, the classes should be moved to their own relation, which should include a link back to the student relation (called a foreign key). Second normal form (2NF) - A relation is in second normal form if it is in first normal form and each attribute is fully functionally dependent on the entire primary key. That is, no subset of the key can determine an attribute's value. Third normal form (3NF) - A relation is in third normal form if it is in second normal form and each non-key attribute is fully functionally dependent on the entire primary key, and not on any other non-key attribute.